Dedicated. Trusted. Compassionate.

Estate Planning

Protect your family. Plan for your future.


Estate Planning Tailored To Your Family

An estate plan is a combination of legal strategies that address our clients’ concerns and achieve their goals. When designing a comprehensive estate plan, our attorneys consider how best to protect your children, provide for yourself and loved ones for any period of disability, and support the causes that you value most. We thoroughly analyze your estate and develop the best strategy for leaving assets to your heirs, while minimizing taxes and fees. Clients concerned about their legacies choose us because of our compassion and exceptional service.

A Unique Plan That Fits

We understand that the concerns of each and every client, regardless of circumstances or complexity, are unique. We apply our comprehensive knowledge of the law and estate planning tools to design custom plans for our clients, whether they are just beginning to consider their plans for the future or have clear goals in mind. Typically, our estate planning includes a revocable living trust, a will, a healthcare directive as well as a power of attorney.

 We take great pride in ensuring that each estate plan reflects the client’s goals and values, with an eye toward ensuring family harmony, protecting their children, minimizing tax liability, and securing a legacy for generations to come.

 At Cannavino Law we pride ourselves on providing high caliber estate planning services with an exceptional degree of care and empathy. Contact us through our website, or by phone at (619) 930-5443.